Clean & Care Guide

Did you know that shoes are difficult to recycle? The problem is there are lots of different materials all stitched and stuck together that need to be separated before they can be processed. The good news is recycling companies are working on solutions to stop footwear going into landfill, but we can also do our bit by looking after our shoes to prolong their life.

We’ve pulled together some top tips for caring for your shoes so they can live longer. That's a win for you and the planet!


1. If your shoes ever get wet (or, more like when!), keep them away from sources of heat. This is likely to do serious damage to the material. Instead, stay patient and let your shoes dry naturally. 

2. No one likes cleaning mud, so always let dirt dry naturally before removing it from your shoe. We know the inclination to remove it right away is strong but trust us, waiting will save you from a messy and unsuccessful clean-up!

3. For delicate materials, like suede and velvet, that suck up every drop of water, your best defence is to protect them before your first wear. There are many protectors to pick from, but remember to follow the manufactures guidelines and test a small area first before covering your entire shoe!

4. Like a knight with a sword, the soft brush is a shoe protector's best friend. We recommend different brushes for different materials, but the key is that it is always dry. The only material which should never be brushed is metallic, as it will scratch the top layer.

5. Natural leathers love a bit of nourishment. A good quality shoe cream or polish can help revive tired leather. Be sure to follow the manufactures guidelines and always test a small area first.

6. Keeping your metallic shoes sparkly and clean is as easy as a little warm water and lint-free cloth. Be sure the cloth is damp (not wet) and to only dab when cleaning. Metallics are sensitive, any type of pinking or rubbing can pull away the finish.

7. Shoe trees can help maintain the shape of your footwear and will also remove moisture. You could try placing tissue paper inside your shoes as an alternative. Storing your shoes in a shoe bag or box will also prevent them from gathering dust.


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 Check out our FAQ's, where we break it down even further and across more materials!


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